Leadership Centre County Values

The following are values that illustrate what it means to be a member of the Leadership Centre County Community. In all decisions and activities, we will strive for:

Mutual Respect

We ensure that all entities, whether individual or groups, from multifaceted backgrounds can convey their voices, ideas, and actions in an inviting, safe and authentic manner. We respect others and their opinions and understand that each is built upon different perspectives. This feeling is reciprocated among all facets of Leadership Centre County so that we may offer ideas, opinions, and experiences in a civil manner as if they are our own.


We provide an environment in which all members of the Leadership Centre County community embrace gratitude by giving back to others through servant leadership and acknowledging the good deeds, time, money, and care humbly given by all who make Centre County so that they may thrive in meaningful and purposeful ways. We will always be genuine in our thanks and appreciate the good that exists in our community. We are grateful that members of Leadership Centre County have expressed an interest in creating a vibrant community so that they not only will give of themselves but will accept kindness when appropriate.


Inclusivity of people and ideas is paramount to the success of Leadership Centre County. Through our mission, we not only value, but actively seek the views and participation of diverse contributors. We will unconditionally accept others regardless of their background. The practice of diversity of thought is imperative to a healthy organizational culture and all members of the Leadership Centre County community are encouraged to be involved in and share in each experience.


Leadership Centre County provides an environment in which community members are engaged in an active exchange of information through professional development, acts of service, and responsible stewardship. Members are open-minded and understand that constant learning and curiosity satisfies an innate desire to be challenged; catalyzes growth in their thinking and expands their mind and thought process through relevant education. All are encouraged to ask questions about the who, what, why, when, where, and how which enables them to systematically problem solve and take actions toward sustaining a vibrant community.


The Leadership Centre County community has genuine compassion for each other as well as those whom we serve. Our emotional attachment to the LCC programs and activities is unconditional and is not subjective to judgement or bias. We continue to be loyal to the organization, its members, and community so that we may foster an engaging and welcoming environment that puts the needs of others above our own.


Leadership Centre County exudes the ability to be humble, yet proud, of our purpose and accomplishments. Our community members continue to share their pride for the organization with others and contribute to our success through both an individual and communal sense of productivity. We exhibit pride in all we do without bragging or being boastful.


Leadership Centre County prospers through having community members who are continuously improving themselves. Prosperity means more than financial and material success, it also means emotional, cultural, and community-wellbeing. We have an abundance of resources through the cultivation of servant-leaders and strategic community partnerships that allow the community to be rich in ownership of all LCC activities.


Leadership Centre County promotes an engaging, thriving, and exciting environment. Providing fun opportunities while aiming for excellence allows us to not only reach our goals but enjoy the journey. Community members throughout all facets of Leadership Centre County, enjoy oneself and create a non- judgmental environment that is open to a sense of meaningful adventure and excitement regardless of preconceived notions.

Social Justice Statement

Leadership Centre County stands with the Black community and our Black alumni in the fight against racism and for social justice.

Our Board and staff are mindful of the issues currently facing our community. We will work to be a part of the solution by listening, educating ourselves, and aligning our actions with our values.

We promise to keep these issues in mind during our planning for the Class of 2021 and beyond.

The diversity of Centre County has been and will remain a part of our curriculum. Inclusivity of people and ideas is paramount to the success of LEADERSHIP.

We will continue to push our graduates and community leaders to be better and do better, to rise to the occasion. We hope that you will join us in discussion and change.

Leadership Centre County Board of Directors & Staff